مرحبا بك في البوابة الالكترونية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس

أ. د. ماجدة منصور محمد حسب النبى

نبذه عن

Magda Mansour Hasabelnaby is Professor of English Literature at Ain Shams University, Faculty of Women, and adjunct professor at the American University in Cairo, where she teaches comparative and contemporary U.S. literature, literary translation from English to Arabic and vise verse. Her publications in both English and Arabic include articles on African and Arabic adaptations of Shakespeare, Arab and Muslim women writers, and post-colonial readings of contemporary poetry and fiction. Prof. Hasabelnaby has contributed chapters in books published by top publishing houses such as Routledge, De Gruyter, Lexington, and Lehigh University Press. Her most recent publication is “Letaʿarafu 'That you may Know one another'”: The Qur'an as an Intertext in the Works of Mohja Kahf in Troubling Topics, Sacred Texts: Readings in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an. Ed. by Sabbath, Roberta, DeGruyter. Professor Hasabelnaby is also a literary translator and a translation critic; she has published several translations of American poetry into Arabic, in addition to the translation of a novel, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, published 2010 by Dar Alshorouq. In addition to her academic interests in literature and translation, Prof. Hasabelnaby is a professional teacher trainer; she shared in the training of school and university teachers on "active learning" within several national and international projects. She was invited by Universities in the US to give lectures on teaching literature, on Arabic and Arab-American literature, and on educational leadership. These universities included Univeristy of Miami, Florida; NEIU, Chicago; University of Oregon, Eugene; and UIUC.
  • الكلية: كلية البنات
  • القسم: اللغة الانجليزية وآدابها
  • التخصص العام : اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها
  • التخصص الدقيق: رواية وأدب مقارن
  • الدرجة الوظيفية: أستاذ دكتور
  • الحالة: قائم بالعمل
  • البريد الالكتروني الرسمي: magda.hasabelnaby@women.asu.edu.eg
  • Google Scholar: Google Scholar Link
  • Research Gate: Research Gate Link
  • Scopus: Scopus Link
  • H-index: N/A
  • Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5860-1066
  • Research Fields: English Literature, comparative and contemporary U.S. literature, Translation


بوابة البحث العلمي




    • دكتوراه
    • 2000
    • قص الأم في روايات توني موريسون
    • ماجستير
    • 1993
    • دبلومات مهنية
    • 2019
    • بكالوريوس
    • 1987

التدرج الوظيفي

    • أستاذ دكتور
    • السنة : 2014

ورش العمل



“Breathing Life into Cookbooks: The Place of Personal Reflections” 20-21 August 2022 – London/Online. Conference organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research.

 “Feeding Words with Sugar: Resurrecting Palestine in Children's Picture Books from Egypt.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), April 2021.

 “Muslim Women Writers between Persistence and Precarity.” Round Table. Modern Language Association (MLA), Washington State, Seattle, January 2021.

“The Memory of Latifa Al-zayyat between Influence and Ambivalence.” in a pre-publishing book launch. Seminar title: “Memory, Voice, and Identity: Muslim Women’s Writing from across the Middle East.” The seminar is sponsored by the Social Affairs Journal and Postcolonial/Decolonial Thought Group and organized by Dr. Siri Gamage. December 20, 2020.


“Behind Lock and Key: Arab Women writers unlocking the History of the Nakba.”  Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), 2020.

“God Help the Mother: Maternal Narration in Recent Novels by Toni Morrison.” Al-Alsun International conference, March 2018.

 “Teaching Literature/Teaching Ecology: A CLIL-based approach" in the 23rd TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, co-facilitated by Mona Said. March 2017

 “'That they May Recognize Each Other': The Quran as an Intertext in the works of Mohja Kahf.” ACLA, Utrecht, 2017.

 “The Teacher as Researcher.” a Keynote speech CDELT (Centre for Developing English Language Teaching), 24-25 October 2015.

“Bringing Flavors to Classroom: EFL and Cooking,” a workshop Co-facilitated at the 21st TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, March 2015.

“Teaching English in the 21st Century: New Horizons,” a workshop facilitated at the CDELT Conference Ain Shams University, May 2014.

“The Other Side of Sports: Competition and/or Friendship in Piri Thomas’s 'Amigo Brothers'.” Conference on Literature and Physical Culture, Leicester, UK. April 2014.

“The Afterlife of Poe: Translating Edgar Allan Poe.” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, New York, 2014 Annual Meeting.” (ACLA) entitled USA, 22 March 2014.

 “The Egyptian Afterlife: Translating Edgar Allan Poe in Egypt,” Academic Research Circle, Faculty of women, Ain shams University, October 2013. 

 “Western Feminism from Egyptian Perspectives,” Conference on Feminism, Influence, and Inheritance, Queen Mary University London 23 March, 2012

“Hybrid Imagination: The Road not Taken by Mohja Kahf.” The First International Postgraduate conference on Culture Literature, Anthropology, and History CLASH, Poznan, Poland 8 December 2011.

“From Teaching Revolutionary Literature to Initiating Literary Adaptation.” Humanities Alumni Circle Symposium, Faculty of Arts, Al-Minia University 27 November 2012

“Teaching Literature and Linguistics in Egyptian Universities after the January Revolution: New Perspectives, New Challenges.” Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, 12 May 2011

 “The Silent Mariner: George Eliot’s Silas Marner as a (re)vision of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s 'The Ancient Mariner'.” Ain Shams University Conference “New Readings of old Masters: Recent Trends Literature and language.” 30 March 2003.

المؤتمرات العلمية


“Connecting (With) Literature: Comprehension Strategies in ECLT”. 8th Annual Liberal Arts Symposium Research and Creativity Convention: Re-envisioning the Comprehensive Reading Classroom: Different Courses, Same Concepts, 2022.

“Muslim Women Writers in American and the Quranic Intertext”. Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (CSAMES), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Webinar, November, 2021.

“Muslim Women in American”. Keynote speaker. International Conference English Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia, July 2021.

“Translating Fahrenheit 451: The Rationale and the Challenges.” Ray Bradbury: A Post Centennial Celebration. American University in Cairo, April 2021.

“The Memory of Latifa Alzayyat.” Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies CSAMES, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, November 2020.


 “Egypt: Modern Culture and Ancient Traditions.” The Arabic Table, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, March 2020.

“Education and Creativity.” Keynote Speaker. Annual Conference of the Department of English, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, 2019.

“Preparing for Exams/Preparing for Life.” Workshop, Tanta University April 2018.

“Innovative Methods for teaching Literature.” Faculty of Arts, Banha University 18 October 2016.

“A Comparative Perspective on Arabo-Muslim Feminisms,” an in-class talk, the department of Modern Languages and Literatures, The University of Miami, Florida, November, 2012.

“East-West Cultural Translation,” in-class talk, The University of Miami, Florida, November, 2012.

“Hybrid Imagination: The Muslim American Writer Mohja Kahf.” A public lecture, the University of Miami, Florida, November, 2012.

Facilitated a hands on Workshop on literature instruction techniques in the LT528 Teaching Culture and Literature course, November, 2016.

“Teaching Literature in Language Classes,” the University of Oregon Language Council, November, 2016.


“Breathing Life into Cookbooks: The Place of Personal Reflections” 20-21 August 2022 – London/Online. Conference organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research.

 “Feeding Words with Sugar: Resurrecting Palestine in Children's Picture Books from Egypt.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), April 2021.

 “Muslim Women Writers between Persistence and Precarity.” Round Table. Modern Language Association (MLA), Washington State, Seattle, January 2021.

“The Memory of Latifa Al-zayyat between Influence and Ambivalence.” in a pre-publishing book launch. Seminar title: “Memory, Voice, and Identity: Muslim Women’s Writing from across the Middle East.” The seminar is sponsored by the Social Affairs Journal and Postcolonial/Decolonial Thought Group and organized by Dr. Siri Gamage. December 20, 2020.


“Behind Lock and Key: Arab Women writers unlocking the History of the Nakba.”  Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), 2020.

“God Help the Mother: Maternal Narration in Recent Novels by Toni Morrison.” Al-Alsun International conference, March 2018.

 “Teaching Literature/Teaching Ecology: A CLIL-based approach" in the 23rd TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, co-facilitated by Mona Said. March 2017

 “'That they May Recognize Each Other': The Quran as an Intertext in the works of Mohja Kahf.” ACLA, Utrecht, 2017.

 “The Teacher as Researcher.” a Keynote speech CDELT (Centre for Developing English Language Teaching), 24-25 October 2015.

“Bringing Flavors to Classroom: EFL and Cooking,” a workshop Co-facilitated at the 21st TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, March 2015.

“Teaching English in the 21st Century: New Horizons,” a workshop facilitated at the CDELT Conference Ain Shams University, May 2014.

“The Other Side of Sports: Competition and/or Friendship in Piri Thomas’s 'Amigo Brothers'.” Conference on Literature and Physical Culture, Leicester, UK. April 2014.

“The Afterlife of Poe: Translating Edgar Allan Poe.” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, New York, 2014 Annual Meeting.” (ACLA) entitled USA, 22 March 2014.

 “The Egyptian Afterlife: Translating Edgar Allan Poe in Egypt,” Academic Research Circle, Faculty of women, Ain shams University, October 2013. 

 “Western Feminism from Egyptian Perspectives,” Conference on Feminism, Influence, and Inheritance, Queen Mary University London 23 March, 2012

“Hybrid Imagination: The Road not Taken by Mohja Kahf.” The First International Postgraduate conference on Culture Literature, Anthropology, and History CLASH, Poznan, Poland 8 December 2011.

“From Teaching Revolutionary Literature to Initiating Literary Adaptation.” Humanities Alumni Circle Symposium, Faculty of Arts, Al-Minia University 27 November 2012

“Teaching Literature and Linguistics in Egyptian Universities after the January Revolution: New Perspectives, New Challenges.” Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, 12 May 2011

 “The Silent Mariner: George Eliot’s Silas Marner as a (re)vision of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s 'The Ancient Mariner'.” Ain Shams University Conference “New Readings of old Masters: Recent Trends Literature and language.” 30 March 2003.


  • 2022

    الجائزة: جائزة عين شمس التقديرية

    • مقدم الجائزة: جامعة عين شمس
    • مجال الجائزة: العلوم الأجتماعية
    • تصنيف الجائزة: جائزة جامعة عين شمس التقديرية
    • لقاء تلفزيوني: عرض اللقاء

بوابة البحث العلمي (0)

لا يوجد ابحاث علمية

اسم المجلة تاريخ النشر القطاع الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة ISSN
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Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics 2024-09-01 علوم الإنسانية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1110-8673
Women's Studies 2022-01-18 علوم الإنسانية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0049-7878

لم يتم العثور علي نتائج

اسم الكتاب تاريخ النشر القطاع الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب ISBN
Memory, Voice, and Identity Muslim Women’s Writing from across the Middle East 2021-03-31 علوم الإنسانية الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-0-36-756976-1
Troubling Topics, Sacred Texts: Readings in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an 2021-10-04 علوم الإنسانية الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-3-11-063426-6
Incarceration and Slavery in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age: A Cultural-Historical Investigation of the Dark Side in the Pre-Modern World 2021-10-19 علوم الإنسانية الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-1793648280
Literary Representations of the Palestine/Israel Conflict After the Second Intifada 2022-08-05 علوم الإنسانية الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-1-47-449973-6

لم يتم العثور علي نتائج

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