An award whose establishment was approved by a decision of the Ain Shams University Council on March 29, 2004. The regulations were amended by a decision of the University Council held on 12/2/2024. It is awarded to the best research in the field of physics.
Awards conditions:
1. The award is granted for the best research in the field of physics, provided that the research includes the study of the crystalline or molecular properties of materials.
2. The applicant may be an individual researcher from the physics departments of the relevant university's faculties, or may collaborate with others, on the condition that the applicant is the primary researcher.
3. The academic rank of the faculty member at the time of applying for the award must be "Instructor" in the departments of physics at the mentioned university faculties.
University Awards Application Procedures (Individuals):
(Prof. Karimat Mahmoud Al-Sayed Award) for faculty staff.
1. Submit a hard copy and an electronic copy of the published scientific research.
2. Submit an approved list of the names of the researchers mentioned in the submitted research, their specializations, and the role of each of them in the research.
3. Decision of the department and college councils approving the nomination.
4. A recent statement of the candidate's status approved by the university.
5. Copies of the candidate's national ID card.
6. Contact information for the candidate.
Note that the deadline for receiving nominations is February 15, 2025
Delivery is at the Awards Office - General Administration of Scientific Research - in the Administration Building - behind Saffron Palace.
To apply to the university's database for university awards, fill out the link
We are honored to provide technical support by contacting the email:
To contact the Awards Office at Ain Shams University via email: