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Prof. Prof. Dr. Nagwa Mohamed Amin Aref, Ph.D.


Nagwa M. Amin Aref, Ph.D. Professor of Virology, Molecular Virology, Nanotechnology, and Immunology Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Microbiology (Former). Ain Shams University, Egypt. Address: P.O. Box 68, Hadayek Shobra 11241”, Cairo, Muhafazat al Qahirah, Egypt Former Professor of Virology, King Saud University, College of Science, Saudi Arabia. narif@ksu.edu.sa 1. Scholarship for Ph.D. in Plant Virology under Scientific Channel System at Hohenheim University –Institute of Plant Medicine -Stuttgart-Germany from 10/2/1981 until 5/2/1983-2/6/1984.for Ph.D. submission. 2. Sabbatical leave at Michigan State University East Lansing USA participating in the detection of plant viral disease of stone fruit trees research program 1/9/1984-11/6/1989. 3. Attending training practical condensed courses in molecular virology at Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA. from 14/11/1991 -7/4/1992 4. UNDP molecular virologist Expert: Project entitled: "Engineering tomato transgenic plants Resistant for Tomato yellow Mosaic Gemini Virus" – Scrips Research Institute San Diego USA and Ministry of Agriculture. Egypt,1990-1996. 5. Consultant"(short term) as a molecular virologist co-investigator at AGERI (Agriculture Genetic Engineering Research Center) Ministry of Agriculture. Egypt from 1/1/1990-1/4/1996. 6. Sabbatical leaves as a PROFESSOR Faculty of Science- Department of Botany& Microbiology –King Saud University –Women Students Medical Studies &Sciences Sections started from two thousand Up to September /2017 7. Exchange Visitor Professor (2007) in the USA for a short-term research scholar. In Electron Imaging Center for Nanomachines, California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), University of California, Los Angles. , Molecular Sciences, UCLA, CA. The scholarship (NANOTECHNOLOGY) is sponsored by King Abdul-Aziz City for Science & Technology (KACST), December 1st _December 29th,2007 https://www.linkedin.com/in/nagwa-mohamed-amin-aref-8784a511/ https://patents.justia.com/inventor/nagwa-mohamed-mohamed-amin-aref

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Scientifc Research Portal



Research Citations Chart


    • PhD in Philosophy
    • 1984
    • Universität Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE. Germany 1980 to 1983 | Ph.D. (Institute Fur Phytomeditsin ) Education Diagnosis of bean common mosaic virus and its effect on Phaseolus vulgaris [Egypt] January 1984 Thesis for: Ph.D. Advisor: E.Allam

Career Progression

    • Researcher and Professor Emeritus
    • Year : 2008
    • Professor
    • Year : 1997
    • Associate Professor
    • Year : 1992
    • Lecturer
    • Year : 1984
    • Assistant Lecturer
    • Year : 1977
    • Teaching Assistant
    • Year : 1974


No Workshop Was Added


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ASU Awards

  • 1998

    Award: State Incentive Award (Academy of Scientific Research)

    • Provider: Scientific Research Academy
    • Field: Agricultural Sciences
    • Category: State Awards (Academy of Scientific Research)
  • 1998

    Award: Excellence Researches Award

    • Provider: Ain Shams University
    • Category: Various scientific awards

Journal Name Published Date Sector Journal Website ISSN
IntechOpen Book Series 2021-08-18 Environmental And Agriculture Journal Website 9781-8396
Patent US2021275594A1 2021-09-09 Medical Journal Website A61K-3520

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