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Prof. Diaa Abdel Maguid Mohamed Khalil


Diaa Khalil obtained his PhD from INPG France in 1993. He is Professor in the Faculty of Eng., Ain Shams University since 2004. He was the head of the Optical MEMS group in MEMSCAP from 2000 to 2004 and the founder of the RET group in Mentor Graphics Egypt from 2004-2007. Since 2007 he is the CTO of the MEMS division at Si-ware Systems leading a group developing an innovative optical MEMS spectrometer, a product that gained the Prism award in the Photonics west conference 2014 in SF USA. Prof. Diaa Khalil is a member in the SPIE, and a senior member in the OSA and IEEE photonic society. He is inventor of about 15 patents, author of more than 190 scientific publications and holder of Egyptian state prize in engineering sciences in 1998. He is currently head of the Dept of Electronics and Comm. Eng. in the Faculty of Eng. Ain Shams University and head of commission D in the National Radio Science Committee, NRSC, in the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology ASRT in Egypt.
  • Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
  • Department: Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
  • General Specialization : Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Specialization: Optical Communication
  • Degree: Professor
  • Current Status: In Working
  • Official Email: diaa_khalil@eng.asu.edu.eg
  • Google Scholar: Google Scholar Link
  • Research Gate: Research Gate Link
  • Scopus: Scopus Link
  • H-index: 22
  • Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2067-2002
  • Research Fields: Photonics , Optical MEMS , Integrated Optics , Optical communications
  • CV: Download CV

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Career Progression

    • Professor
    • Year : 2004
    • Teaching Assistant
    • Year : 1984


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Journal Name Published Date Sector Journal Website ISSN
Optik 2021-09-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0030-4026
IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2021-09-08 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1941-0158
Microsystems & Nanoengineering 2021-10-11 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2055-7434
Scientific Reports 2022-05-28 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2045-2322
Optical and Quantum Electronics 2022-07-06 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0306-8919
Journal of the Optical society of America B 2023-01-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0740-3224
Optik 2023-04-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0030-4026
Results in Optics 2024-05-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2666-9501
Advanced Materials Technologies 2021-03-22 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2365-709X
Journal of Lightwave Technology 2021-03-31 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0733-8724
Journal of Lightwave Technology 2021-02-08 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0733-8724
Applied Optics 2021-10-04 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1559-128X
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 2021-11-15 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0733-8724
IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 2021-07-13 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1077-260X
Taylor & Francis Group 2021-07-24 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1012-0197
Laser & Photonics Reviews 2022-05-10 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1863-8899
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2022-02-01 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1520-8540
IEEE Photonics Journal 2022-08-02 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1943-0655
Journal of Optical Microsystems 2022-07-09 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2708-5260
Optical Engineering 2022-11-29 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0091-3286
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2022-07-20 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0169-7439
Applied Spectroscopy 2023-05-25 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0003-7028
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 2023-06-26 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1941-0174
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2023-03-27 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1084-7529
ACS OMEGA 2023-03-09 Basic Science Journal Website 2470-1343
ACS OMEGA 2023-03-09 Basic Science Journal Website 2470-1343
Optics Communications 2023-03-11 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0030-4018
Analytical Chemistry 2023-11-20 Basic Science Journal Website 0003-2700
Optical and Quantum Electronics 2023-12-14 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0306-8919
Analytical Methods 2023-11-21 Basic Science Journal Website 1759-9679
Sensors 2023-07-12 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 1424-8220
Journal of Lightwave Technology 2023-10-17 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 0733-8724
Journal of Optics 2024-04-18 Engineering And Technology Journal Website 2040-8986

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Book Name Published Date Sector Book Website ISBN
Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications 2021-10-01 Engineering And Technology Book Website 978-1-13-803262-0
Green Chemical Analysis and Sample Preparations 2022-06-21 Engineering And Technology Book Website 978-3-03-096533-4

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Nominated Awards

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Scientific Achievements

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نوعية البحوث المنشورة دولية فقط
إجمالي عدد البحوث المنشورة More Than 200 Researches
هل يوجد لديك كتب مؤلفة محلية ? لا يوجد
هل يوجد لديك كتب مؤلفة إقليمية ? لا يوجد
هل يوجد لديك كتب مؤلفة دولية ? من 1-أقل من 5 كتب
هل يوجد لديك كتب مترجمة ? لا يوجد
قيمة h-index من Scopus From 30 Less Than 40
إجمالي عدد الاستشهادات البحثية Citations من Scopus From 2000 Less Than 3000
هل لديك إشراف على رسائل علمية ماجستير ودكتوراه ? نعم
عدد رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه التى تم الإشراف عليها ? أكثر من 30
عدد رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه التى تم تحكيمها ? أكثر من 30
عدد المقالات والبحوث العلمية التى تم تحكيمها ? أكثر من 50
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هل لديك مشاريع علمية محكمة ? نعم
ما هى نوعية المشاريع ? مدعومة من جهات دولية
هل أنت عضو في الجمعيات العلمية في مجال تخصصك ? عضو في أكثر من جمعية علمية متخصصة
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