Welcome To The Staff Portal

User Manual for The Staff portal

The staff portal provides everything a faculty staff needs from one platform: such as updating personal and academic data (biography, research and scientific theses, workshops, awards, international publication....), financial benefits, access to the e- learning platform and services such as (reservation, training courses, medical services), in addition to the ability to search for faculty staff data within the university or looking at their CVs.

  • Login to the faculty staff portal by the username and password if it has not been changed.
  • The staff member can edit personal and scientific data, upload his CV, personal photo, and others.
  • Once you enter your Google Scholar account, the system will retrieve all scientific research automatically without the need to enter it yourself.
  • The data stored on the system can be used with the aim of creating statistics at the level of the faculty staff, department, faculty, and university, which can be used to measure performance and efficiency at the university level.
  • You can log in to the staff portal through the following link https://www.asu.edu.eg/staffPortal/es/login
  • In case you do not know your username and password, you can get them through the following link https://www.asu.edu.eg/staffPortal/es/getUserCredentials
  • If the username and password cannot be obtained, or for inquiries about the portal, please send an email to: support@asu.edu.eg