Degrees awarded by the college

First: Bachelor Degree in Oral and Dental Medicine:

–  The duration of study in the college is five years.

– Graduated by the end of the period to obtain a bachelor’s degree in medicine and oral surgery and Ain Shams University.

Second: Bachelor Degree in Clinical Dentistry Credit Hours System:

– The duration of study in the college is five years.

– At the end of the period, the graduate holds a bachelor’s degree in clinical dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University.

Third: Postgraduate Diploma in all clinical branches of the College:

The Diploma of Specialization in Dentistry is awarded in the following disciplines:

– Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry.

– mouth surgery.

– Oral medicine, radiology and diagnosis.

– Conservative Dentistry.

– Root treatment.

– Crowns and bridges.

– Prosthodontics.

Fourth: Master degree in all clinical and academic branches in the faculty:

The Master of Dental Sciences degree is awarded in the above mentioned clinical specialties in addition to the following academic specializations:

– Oral diseases.

– Oral biology.

– Biomaterials.

Fifth: Doctorate Degree:

The Doctor of Philosophy degree is awarded in the following basic dental sciences:

– Oral diseases.

– Oral biology.

– Biomaterials.

The doctoral degree is awarded in the following clinical branches:

– Oral rays and diagnostic methods.

– General oral health and community dentistry.

– Pediatric Dentistry.

– Conservative Dentistry.

– Orthodontics.

– Oral medicine and gum disease.

– Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

– Prosthodontics.

– Crowns and bridges.

– Root treatment.