


Memories meeting and a symposium on "Domistic Violence" in the Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture celebrates the Diamond Jubilee... The Faculty organizes a meeting of memories on domestic violence.

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The President of the University inaugurates Sayed Sobhy hall at Faculty of Specific Education

Opening of Sayed Subhy hall at Faculty of Specific Education at Ain Shams University.

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Faculty of Agriculture wins the first place in the contest of Egyptian University Graduation Projects Competition

A student at the Faculty of Agriculture invented a machine that harvested fruit with laser light and won the competition of projects of graduation of Egyptian universities.

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A high-level delegation from the People's University of Beijing visited Ain Shams University

The university president receives a delegation from the People's University of Beijing

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Faculty of Computers wins the first place in the international programming competition ECPC

Faculty of Computers wins the first place in the global competition for programming held at the Maritime Academy in Alexandria

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Protocol of cooperation between the University and the Bavarian company to support people with special abilities

A protocol of cooperation between the university and the Bavarian company, during which the latter provides funding for people with special needs for five years.

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The university administration asks God Almighty to grant them mercy and forgiveness and to inspire their families patience and fortitude.

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Ambassador of Uzbekistan visits Ain Shams University

President of Ain Shams University receives Ambassador of Uzbekistan

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