


Declaration of mourning at the Faculty of Commerce

Dean of Faculty of Commerce suspends all lectures for one hour and postpones all student activities

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Karam Hegazy is Assistant Secretary of Ain Shams University

The Prime Minister issues a decision appointing Mr. Karam Abdul Rasool Hegazy was appointed as Assistant Secretary for Graduate Studies and Research

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Ancient Egyptian Women is the first meeting in the cultural season of the Faculty of Girls

Dean of the Faculty of Girls opens the first seminar in the cultural season of the Faculty

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A seminar in the Faculty of Commerce entitled "Form your career and choose your job"

A seminar in the Faculty of Commerce entitled "Form your career and choose your job"

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Prof. Dr. Moheb Al-Rafie is head of environmental media department at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research

The President of the University appoints Prof. Dr. Moheb Al-Rafi is the head of the environmental media department

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Heads of new departments at the Faculty of Law

The President of the University appoints heads of the Criminal Law and the Philosophy of Law Departments.

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Prof. Dr. Gehan Ragab is a vice-dean of Faculty of Commerce

The President of the University appoint Prof. Dr. Gehan Ragab as a vice-dean of Faculty of Commerce

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Ghada Mahmoud Abu Alkhair is the Director General of Public Relations and Media Department

President of the University assigned Ghada Mahmoud Abu Alkhair to be Director General of the Public Relations and Media Department

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